Friday, November 20, 2009

Christmas Card Class

ACOT is hosting an amazing crop this weekend with tons of challenges, inspiration, points, and prizes. I am hosting 2 shifts- Friday from 7-9pm EST and Saturday 2pm-4pm EST.

I am also teaching a Christmas Card Class during the Crop on Sunday at 4pm EST. I have been very busy working on my cards. I hope you can join me!!! Here are some sneak peeks:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nook and Pantry

Time to share all of my Nook and Pantry LOs that I made for ACOT. First, I have to mention that I am so thankful to be a part of the ACOT Creative Team. All of the ladies I work with are so talented and amazing. Kristin, the owner, is beyond generous and great to work with. And I get many fantastic products to create with. Since it is that time of year, I had to mention how fortunate I feel to be able to be a part of the team. Thanks to all of you for making my experience wonderful each day.

I absolutely loved the BG Nook and Pantry line. The patterns and colors were perfect for my photos. Without further ado, here are my pages:

The last two projects were wood items purchased at Michaels. I intended to make them as Christmas presents (and they would make great gifts for someone to set on their desk at work.) But, I love them so much, I don't think I can give them away.

Thanks for taking a peek and have a great day!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween Craftiness

I didn't get a chance to share all of the stuff I made for Halloween. So busy with all of the parties and everyday life.

We had a party for the Brownies and here are the cupcakes that I made. Had to make them cute. Thanks so much, Kristin, for the cute cupcake wrappers. Some of the ones she sent me were from this site. So many cute things.

Also for the party, I made this little guessing game. I filled an empty Marshmellow fluff jar with an Autumn mix of candy corns and decorated it. I also used an empty icing container to make the little container to hold the guesses. The girls had fun trying to guess how many candy corns were in the jar. I was thinking you could change the papers and do this for any party/holiday.

I also made this Bingo game for them. Annabella ended up taking it to school and they used it for their class party. She loved it so much and her teacher let her call out the words (which she especially loved.) I printed the Bingo cards from this site using an already made list of Halloween words. I matted the cards on black cardstock, added punched Boo borders (Martha Stewart punch) and stamped the pumpkins in the free spot. For the calling cards, I printed an extra card on white cardstock in the largest size. I matted those on the leftover orange and black cardstock I had from creating the Bingo cards. I did laminate them to make sure they lasted. The kids used candy corns for their markers. Again, you could probably make them for any holiday/party theme.

Thanks for taking a peek and hope you had as great of a holiday as we did.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Photos

So busy this time of year with Halloween and all of the fun it brings. Annabella had a Halloween party at school this year on Friday and we had a Brownie Halloween Party on Friday night. On Saturday, we went to another Halloween party and also went Trick-or-Treating. I think I broke my finger during trick-or-treating. I always find a way to injure myself and it is never graceful.

Here are some photos of Annabella. This year she decided to be a "pretty witch." Yep, that's what she called it. She also told me that if she was a witch, she would have pink hair. Her reasoning was that if the Wicked Witch of the West had a green face, she would have pink hair. It was fine with me and she looked adorable with pink hair.

We bought her witch costume and she decided to add her black and pink petticoat some time before Halloween. The witch's hat came with her costume and I added the feathers. I purchased a feathered boa and used it to embellish the brim of her hat and the bottom of the broom stick. I made the broom stick by covering the pinata stick from her birthday party with black duck tape and adding the feathers at the bottom. She was so happy with her costume.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Our Family Tree

I wanted to share another project that was created for my latest reveal at ACOT. It is made with the new KaiserCraft Beyond the Pages Tree. This was by far one of the most exciting products (and most memorable for me) at their amazing booth and I had to include it in my reveal. I spent a lot of time painting the tree to make it look like real bark. If you take a look at my article you can read all of the steps I followed to get the tree bark texture. Here is my finished tree:

I love the finish of the tree bark and the overall project is a really fantastic addition to our home.

Thanks for taking a peek!

Welcome to our Home Birdhouse

I wanted to share a project with you that I just did for ACOT. It is made with one of the new KaiserCraft Beyond the Pages Birdhouses and Pink Paislee's Amber Road papers. I hand cut all of the cherry blossoms and added them with pop dots for a 3D effect. I love how it turned out.

The KaiserCraft Beyond the Page items are made of MDF and come unassembled. That was so helpful with this project because I was able to trace each piece onto the back of my patterned paper and cut it out. It also came with some hooks. The photo on the package didn't give an example of how to use them so I decided to make them into hooks to hold our key chains. Ed is always losing his keys in our house (and I have no idea how when he has 2 sets!) The quote in the center says, "Home is where you hang your memories." Annabella helped me pick it out so it means even more to me.

You can check out my reveal article here. I have a couple more projects to share with you so stay tuned.

We have been super busy lately. Annabella has been sick (poor baby!) I hate it when she feels bad and wish I could be the one sick. We ended up going to the doctors twice but she seems to be doing better now. So thankful she is feeling better.

School has has also been keeping us busy. We have also been doing tons of homework. I don't remember having homework in the first grade and never imagined there would be this much. She has tests all of the time, too. She had one on Thursday and 2 on Friday of last week. But, she is learning so much at school so I can't really complain too much. I am so proud of her.

I volunteered at her school a couple of days last week for their book fair. That is always a lot of fun and the kids are so excited. I remember going to book fair when I was in elementary school and remember how much fun it was. So glad my girl enjoys it, too.

This year Annabella joined Brownies and I became a troop leader. I did Brownies when I was younger and loved it. I knew she would too. The activities and values it teaches are perfect for her. She loves crafts and helping others. At first she didn't like it at all and wanted to quit. I made her give it a little more time and she now admits she loves it. She plays Girl Scouts at home which I think is great to watch.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm back with some Lemonade

Sorry for being absent this week. I have been so busy. We had back to school, family visiting for the week and a birthday party on Sunday. I promise to be a better blogger now that I can catch my breath. I should have a bunch to share soon, too.

I have been working on these layouts for ACOT using the new Basic Grey Lemonade which I absolutely love! The colors and patterns are so pretty and fun. You can check out my whole article here.